I WRITE with pure astonishment at the comments made by P Hobby with regards to baby on board signs.

It seems apparent that this man/woman is not a parent themselves or doesn't seem to grasp the real reason for these signs.

I have young children myself and don't describe myself as an "airhead" or anything other than a person that wants to let people know that I have children in the car and would expect them to drive extra cautiously when they see these "annoying" notices.

I, for one, am not the best driver in the world but when I see one of these signs it does make me allow some distance between the car in front and myself.

I just can't believe the ignorance of this person who, as an ex driving instructor, should realise the importance of bringing to another drivers attention, potential hazards in front of them. Should we get rid of all road traffic signs then?

Children are unpredictable at the best of times and it can be hard for the person driving in the same car as them to have their full attention focused on the road.

Therefore, these signs could be life-savers and are not, in any shape or form, referring to "their reproductive status" and for P Hobby to be thinking that way...well...it just beggars belief in my opinion.

Mark Lewis, Wallasey.