I WOULD like to comment on yet another stupid rule introduced by a Government who seem to have lost touch.

Unfortunately, I lost my job at the end of May this year and after 135 applications, I managed to get an interview in Manchester.

I approached Upton Jobcentre-Plus regarding the 'Travel to Interview' scheme.

Imagine my surprise when I was told I could not get help with or reimbursement for my travelling costs as the interview is being held in the same city as I will be working in if I am successful and get the job?

Apparently, you have to be interviewed in a city/town different to where your going to be employed to qualify for help with travel fares.

Sorry, but I thought the idea was of the Jobcentre to HELP people get back into work?

I was then told that if I don't attend the interview (even though I can't afford the rail fair) there is a very good chance my benefit would be stopped...erm, if I cant get there what am I supposed to do - walk from Moreton to Manchester?

Sally Jordan by email.