AN open letter to Liverpool City Council and the SoundCity music festival organisers...

There have been several articles on how brilliant SoundCity 2016 was in Liverpool and I am sure that for those who attended it was something special.

However, for those who did not attend it was something else.

It was assault by sound.

I am not exaggerating.

I live near Vale Park in New Brighton and what we experienced was not annoying, not an inconvenience, it was a 24-hour assault over two days.

Actually is was longer than that if you include the sadists doing the sound checks at 9am.

I would suggest that the person who granted the license come and spend the time with us if there is a next one.

Let him experience the constant thump of the drums and bass guitar.

There is nowhere you can go to escape it, not under headphones or pillows. It was always there.

We even ran away for several hours to get some respite.

But we still had to return and experience the final four hours of sheer torture.

I wonder how many people experienced what we did?

How many hundreds or even thousands were affected like us?

How many kids couldn’t get to sleep?

And as much as I like The Coral, I could have done with less of them that night.

I don’t suppose knowing how many people were adversely affected will affect the granting of a new licence.

However, I would at least expect the authorities to insist on the organisers making the sound people turn down the amplifiers.

Liverpool is not Glastonbury or Woodstock.

Sleepless by email