I AM writing to complain about the huge rise in council tax.

Five per cent last year, six percent this year - a total of 11% in 12 months.

The council has more than £90m in reserves and lends out money to other councils while running down services in Wirral.

Do we need a chief executive on £260,000 a year?

I think not.

£2.4m on consultants, what a waste of money.

The Wirral View newspaper, a council vanity project - nobody wants it, nobody reads it, a total waste of taxpayers money.

Sixty six councillors when we only need 44.

Trouble is none of them want to get off the expenses gravy train.

My council tax is now £1,750 a year for an ever diminishing service - disgraceful.

The council and the government are just as bad as each other, each blaming the other side.

I feel sorry for the hapless council taxpayers of Wirral.

Doesn't council leader Phil Davies realise most of the people on Wirral haven't had a pay rise for more than five years.

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