WIRRAL Council has spent the last few weeks adding dropped kerbs to the mini-roundabout next to Wirral Rugby Club at Raby, and just to get rid of some additional funding, they've arranged for white lines to be painted everywhere.

Inexplicably, they've hatched off the inner lane around the roundabout.


All this in an area where pedestrians hardly ever venture and where there was no real need or benefit.

Go down the hill to the mere and the road surface resembles something between a third world country and the Somme in 1916; pot holes galore, the surface is falling apart and, just for good measure, the third-rate bodged-up resurfacing they did in September is now falling apart and the surface is worse than ever.

Just for good measure the signs they put out six months ago to advise us all of the hazards of loose gravel, due to the bodged resurfacing, are still in place and disfiguring a local beauty spot.

Their incompetence knows no bounds, how these buffoons are trusted with spending our council taxes astounds and embarrasses me in equal measure.

Utterly useless.

Sam Cowderoy by email