I READ with interest P. Townsend's tirade about fireworks (MPs must act after selfish 3.45am fireworks show', Mailbox, January 9).

It was a colourful letter full of strong adjectives about some very anti-social behaviour. I actually sympathised with P. Townsend and his strongly-worded complaint about the unacceptable and anti-social use of fireworks in the small hours of the night . . . until I read his last statement about "honest, if rather stupid, citizens" who smoke.

Then I thought what a pompous, bigoted idiot this person is. I found this needless criticism of the smoking population a classic example of thoughtless intolerance. How dare he call me stupid'? He needs a jolt back into the real world that the rest of us rather stupid' people live in.

After reading these outrageous views on the smoking population, I find I have no sympathy for P. Towsend whatsoever - I actually feel a bit sorry for him that he behaves with such a patronising and ignorant attitude.

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