A EURO MP is calling for Government to have a rethink on the smoking ban.

At the start of British Pub Week, Wirral MEP Paul Nuttall has urged the coalition to step in to help the industry.

"Pubs are local parliaments and are a very important part of our society. Once the traditional pubs have gone they will never return," said Mr Nuttall, UKIP deputy leader.

"There is no simple answer but it is certainly time to re-think the smoking ban.

"The political powers of this country dealt pubs an absolute hammer blow four years ago with the total smoking ban. It has taken 20% off pub takings.

"Across Northern Europe common sense is prevailing and pubs and restaurants are now allowed to provide a separate smoking room.

"This is exactly what should be happening here, it would make such a difference."

He added: “I think the campaign to take VAT down to 5% in pubs would actually help Government revenue, because 40 pubs a week are closing and closed pubs pay no tax at all."

Mr Nuttall said supermarkets have played a role in the demise of pubs.

"In many cases they are actually selling alcohol below even the level of duty, and it’s making it virtually impossible for the pubs to compete," he said.