Come along to Birkenhead Town Hall this June for an Area Forum with a difference.

You can help to decide how to allocate approximately £4,000 from the forum's funding by participating in one of the workshops and helping to decide on projects to be delivered in the area.

The event, which takes place on June 6, from 6pm to 9pm, will consist of informal workshops where you'll have your chance to give your views on: promoting Birken-head; safer and stronger communities; children and young people; healthier communities and older people.

Maxine Joynson, Area Co-ordinator said: "This is the first time a local community will decide funding in this way so it's important as many Birkenhead, Tranmere and Rock Ferry residents as possible come along and have their say."

To find out more details or book a place at this forum please contact Maxine Joynson on 0151 691 8266, e-mail: