BECAUSE of wet weather, two grass verges near to my home, which are being used to park cars and vans on, were transformed into two patches of six-inch deep mud.

Six weeks ago, I made this known to Street Scene, as we are advised to do. Nothing happened.

Four weeks ago, I wrote to the highways manager. Nothing happened.

Two weeks ago, I made all the facts known in a letter to Wirral Borough Council's chief executive there has been no reply and nothing has happend.

I find this combination of arrogance, displayed in ignoring correspondence, and inertia, in doing nothing to rectify this eyesore, very hard to tolerate.

The highways manager and chief executive are very highly paid. Slovenly work of this sort leads me to ask if they know how to deal with correspondence, is there a system to ensure jobs get dealt with and is there any courtesy in the Town Hall?

F.S. Winstanley, Blakeley Brow, Raby Mere