YOUR Globe has been praised for its support to ensure Wirral's famous Egg Run is allowed to

go ahead next year.

Following months of talks the Run's committee has finally been given the green light to stage the event on April 2 from Merseyside Police and Wirral Council.

The charity event, which sees bikers from across the country delivering eggs and donations to the borough's hospitals, was cancelled at the last minute this year due to operational problems - although hundreds of riders staged an official run anyway.

Committee member, Jackie Brereton said: "The Globe's support made this happen. Wirral Egg Run Committee would really like to make this belated 25th anniversary event the best ever.

"Both Merseyside Police and Wirral Borough Council have been extremely helpful in trying to help approve this event. Due to new health and safety event rules we have had no choice in accepting the changes. These changes are for everybody's safety.

"The Wirral Egg Run was originated as an event to promote bike safety. Over the years people have come to consider the event purely to raise money for various charities. That is still so very important but we mustn't forget the real reason - think bike safety."

The Egg Run will take place provided certain rules are abided to which include a staggered start in New Brighton and riders adhering to road traffic rules and the Highway Code meaning that riders will have no authority to go through red lights.

Riders will also take part at their own risk.

For more information , call the Egg Run committee on 07814 602 965.