CAMMELL Laird looks set to launch on a choppy Stock Market in a bid to raise £40m to continue a successful re-float of the shipyard in Birkenhead.

Speculation is rife that managers of the new Cammell Laird will sell shares in the company.

The announcement to sell shares is expected in the next few days. Talks have been going on for weeks in preparation for the floatation which would raise cash to expand derelict dry docks.

Last week, Cammell Laird, formerly Coastline Industries, announced a £3m investment programme.

Cammell Laird closed down as a shipbuilding yard in 1993, after building some of the world's most famous ships. It started shipbuilding in 1828 and ships launched included the Ark Royal, Mauretania, and Prince of Wales.

Its last launch was a submarine, aptly called HMS Unicorn. It was handed over to the Royal Navy in July 1993, ending a 165 year tradition of shipbuilding at Birkenhead.

Wirral West MP David Hunt is exploring the possibility of a new Royal yacht being built at Cammell Laird, should it ever resume shipbuilding.

Cammell Laird is at the heart of Wirral Council's Lairdside regeneration programme.

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