BIRKENHEAD'S landmark Hamilton Square is scheduled for a facelift in a year's time - to spruce it up for the Millennium.

The area will re-designed with pedestrians in mind, featuring Summer and Winter pavilions as focal points. However, an outline of proposals makes particular reference to the need to retain all monuments in situ and to treat the Cenotaph sensitively to facilitate the annual Remembrance Parade.

The changes to life in the Square are being mooted by the Hamilton Quarter, which is revamping that part of Birkenhead. Further public consultation will take place before work starts, with completion planned for Summer 1999.

Meanwhile, plans have been approved for alterations and the erection of a two-storey rear extension to a Grade II listed building off Hamilton Square.

Number 17 Brandon Street, built in 1825 as a dwelling house, is now used as offices. The proposals cover new windows and 'substantial alterations at the rear'.

Merseyside Development Corporation has approved the planning application, insisting that the character of the listed building must be maintained.

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