THIS popular weekly column deals with welfare rights issues of interest to people living in Wirral.

This week the topic is Invalid Care Allowance (ICA). This article is not a comprehensive guide to the benefit but is merely a start to make you aware of the conditions and implications of claiming the benefit. As always you should seek advice from a reputable source for the full picture.


Invalid Care Allowance is a benefit paid to a carer aged between 16 and 65. To qualify you must be caring for the disabled person at least 35 hours every week. If you fail to meet the 35 hours, you will not be entitled for that week. You do not have to be related to the person that you are looking after or indeed living with them. It does not matter if you have never worked or if you yourself receive attendance allowance or disability living allowance, you can still get ICA.


First you need to get a claim pack from the DSS, claim form DS 700. When you get this it will certainly be in your interests to get advice as to whether you will qualify and also it is important now to obtain assistance at this stage to complete the form.


You will not qualify if you are in full-time education. Full-time education is attending a course for 21 hours or more. If you work, then you can not earn more than £50 a week once all reasonably allowed expenses are deducted. For details of 'reasonable expenses' contact the DSS or advice agency in your area. ICA can only be paid to you once, even if you look after more than one disabled person.


It is very important to consider carefully the implications of claiming ICA. If the person you are caring for is receiving the severe disability premium then a claim for ICA will mean that it stops. This could mean a loss of £37.15 per week, so careful consideration has to be given as to whether a claim is worthwhile.


ICA cannot be paid if you receive the same amount or more from the following benefits. However if you have an underlying entitlement to ICA then you will still receive the carer's premium. The benefits are: SDA; Incapacity Benefit; Contribution Job Seekers; State Training Allowance; Unemployment Supplement; Retirement Pension; Widow's Benefits.


It is important to get advice about any benefits to which you think you may be entitled. Following the introduction of new legislation in April this year, backdating is virtually a thing of the past. A claim for ICA should be made at the same time as a claim for attendance allowance or disability living allowance if that would be the best thing to do. The importance of seeking advice from a reliable source has never been greater in order to maximise benefit entitlement.


Next week's article deals with The Orange Badge Scheme - who may qualify and how to apply.


New time to ring Jim Strang on 678-4914 if you need his help or advice is 9.30am to 1.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Readers are advised that Jim Strang represents clients on a 'no win, no fee' basis. Full details are available from him.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.