From Coun. Ian Lewis:-

I WAS intrigued with the 'our limited budget' statement made by Coun. Harry Smith, Chair of the Highways Committee (Mailbox, October 13).

The Labour councillor makes several points in defence of how his Committee spends our Council Tax. He attempts to explain that because his budget is 'limited' he has to ensure that it is 'spent in the area of greatest need'.

Firstly, every budget is, by nature, limited - but the budget of the Labour Council has seen Council Tax rise by almost 50 per cent since Labour took control. Not many limits there!

Secondly, who defines the 'area of greatest need' or is this code for more spending in Birkenhead? Can Coun. Smith tell us when Birkenhead will cease to be the area of greatest need? When, for instance, will the roads and pavements of Wallasey receive the same funding as those of Bidston and when will the Council stop allowing green spaces across Wallasey and Moreton to be used for housing development?

Coun. Smith concludes with the poetic statement: "We do not have the luxury of dreaming dreams" - it's not a dream to want decent pavements, lower taxes and green spaces.

It's just plain common sense!

Victoria Parade, Wallasey.

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