WIRRAL Council is living in Cloud Cuckoo land!

Close all public toilets and give local firms £15 per year to allow the public to use their toilets - this would not even cover the cost of the toilet paper.

Instead, I would suggest that when the Town Hall and all council offices - libraries, one-to-one offices, etc - are open, they should have a prominent notice over the entrance: 'Public toilets available'.

Another alternative is to make a charge like other councils - put the cleaner in charge to collect 20 pence a visit . . . they usually have pictures and flowers inside to make your visit worthwhile.

Although we are one of the highest paying councils in the country, the council is divesting itself of all responsibility for our public services when our council estates (worth hundreds of millions of pounds) are handed over to a management company because we cannot collect the rents.

Therefore, we should see a reduction of at least 50 per cent in council staff, which would really save tens of millions of pounds - and reduce the Community Charge considerably.

J. Wright,

Appleton Drive,
