for a skateboard park in West Kirby are holding a fund-raising bag-packing session this weekend.

A determined group of campaigners - parents and youngsters - will pack bags for customers at Morrison's in Dee Lane, West Kirby between 10am-4pm on Saturday, April 16.

The group saw the need for a skateboard park in the area and have now been offered a site in Greenbank Road, near the sites of a waste tip and a motorcycle training centre.

The West Kirby skateboard committee says the park will not take up the whole area, because United Utilities want to build an underground water storage facility on that plot. However, they are hopeful enough room will be left to build a good-sized skateboard park in the area.

They need to raise £70,000 to pay for installing the park.

Elaine Griffiths, chairwoman of West Kirby skateboard appeal committee said: "People are fully behind this campaign and want it to work. We appeal to people to help us achieve what we have set out to do."

A bag-packing session at Morrison's last June put £918 into the appeal kitty. More than £2,000 has been raised and further events are planned.

q If you have fund-raising ideas and would like to help the HAWKS appeal, ring Elaine Griffiths; the chair of West Kirby Skatepark Appeal on 625 1238, Jan West on 625 5532 or 625 8515 or log onto the website at:
