IT IS well known that the league table results do not compare like-for-like year 6 SAT averages from school to school on a local or national level.

My children are of varying abilities. One has been special needs, the need resolved, and is now doing exceptionally well when compared nationally. One is currently special needs and should be resolved in the next year or so and one child is particularly able and scores very highly in her SATs nationally. The other two children are too young to say yet. What does this prove?

If children have the ability, they will achieve at St Oswald's, but they will achieve and improve no matter what level they start at! Their learning experience will be a happy one with a learning plan which will be implemented with care, sensitivity and, above all, it will be individual!

It is right and just that savings are made by combining schools with low numbers. Therefore, at some point in the future these teachers, parents and children will be thrust together on one site or another. Let us hope it is not a hostile event as there has been much fuel added to the fire by comments that should never have been made.

Further to the article last week, am I to deduce that my eldest, who travels to Vyner school for band practice, is no longer welcome because she was special needs?

St Oswald's parents invite you to visit our school before you pass judgement.

Finally, the last thing we all need as a community is for 'special needs' to be viewed with prejudice and ignorance. This only affects the particular child and parents/guardians concerned and it is a disgrace to make it sound otherwise!

Helen Bartley,

School Lane, Bidston Village.