A WIRRAL schoolboy has been congratulated by Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, after winning a prize at a national science competition.

Bromborough student Mathew Smith from Wirral Grammar school won the Shell UK Special Award for Science for his project, and was a successful finalist in the National Science Competition.

His prize included a visit to Diamond Light Source, the UK's national synchrotron science facility, which is based on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire. Mathew's award-winning work dealt with developing methods for creating anti-malarial drugs.

He received a Nuffield bursary through his school, and this enabled him to carry out his project at John Moores University in Liverpool.

Matthew said: "I was slightly nervous as I was the first of the group to meet the Duke, but he was really interested and friendly so that was a great experience.

"I spent many hours in the laboratory while working on my project and this gave me a feel for what life as a scientist would be like.

"Visiting Diamond has been great. All the scientists I met were really enthusiastic and it is inspiring to think that one day I could be working at a cutting edge facility like this.

Mathew is going on to study natural sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Prince Andrew said: "For youngsters such as the National Science Competition winners and finalists, being able to meet with the experts working at facilities such as Diamond is vital if we are to keep them excited about the prospect of a career in science or engineering".