Have readers ever heard of Wirral Excellence in Healthcare Systems WEHS? It is a programme “intended over a period of five years to completely change the way that healthcare is delivered” (their words) at our local hospitals.

How did I find out about it? By chance. Will it damage your health? Well, it might or it might not. On March 11, the Globe kindly published my letter decrying the action of the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in taking away the only direct democratic function exercised by Foundation Trust members.

I followed up this issue by attending my first ever open Governors Assembly.

I was the only member of the public there!

Something could be said about the apathy of the public or, better, about the public-unfriendly nature of the Assembly.

But my reaction is to see whether there is enough interest in setting up a Wirral Patients/ Service Users and Carers Network (WPCN), to get information, to circulate information and get involved in influencing the future of our local health services. If any of your readers wish to confidentially add their name to the Network, they can contact me on wpcn35@btinternet.com.

David Bird, Prenton.