SPRING has sprung in Wirral and members of Wirral Camera Club were on hand to capture the first signs of life.

Seveřany Mejkpísová, Viv Halliday and Jane Leitch saw splashes of colour and Gaynor Hayes Clarke, David Mansell and Kirsty Carroll spotted snowdrops.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and as well as submitting photos taken recently, members also take part in regular themed challenges like old and new and extreme weather.

You can join 1,557 others in our camera club on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/wirralglobecameraclub

A sea of snowdrops in Ness Gardens by Laura Kennedy

A sea of snowdrops in Ness Gardens by Laura Kennedy

A splash of colour in Bebington by Viv Halliday

A splash of colour in Bebington by Viv Halliday

Budding camellia by Jane Leitch

Budding camellia by Jane Leitch

Daffodils at Wallasey Cemetery by Kimberley Phillips

Daffodils at Wallasey Cemetery by Kimberley Phillips

Frogspawn in Leasowe by Kimberley Phillips

Frogspawn in Leasowe by Kimberley Phillips

New life at Birkenhead Park by Chantelle Fulton

New life at Birkenhead Park by Chantelle Fulton

Daffodils in Greasby by Lesley Earl

Daffodils in Greasby by Lesley Earl

New shoots at Ness Gardens by Laura Kennedy

New shoots at Ness Gardens by Laura Kennedy

A splash of yellow by Seve?any Mejkpísová

A splash of yellow by Seve?any Mejkpísová

Peeping through at Arrowe Park by Kirsty Carroll

Peeping through at Arrowe Park by Kirsty Carroll

Snowdrops in Port Sunlight by Gaynor Hayes Clarke

Snowdrops in Port Sunlight by Gaynor Hayes Clarke

First daffodils by Julie Longshaw

First daffodils by Julie Longshaw

Spring is in the air by Richard Bradford

Spring is in the air by Richard Bradford

Snowdrops in West Kirby by David Mansell

Snowdrops in West Kirby by David Mansell

Yellow crocuses in the winter sun by Paul Neish

Yellow crocuses in the winter sun by Paul Neish