THERE were some fantastic photos shared by members of Wirral Globe Camera Club this week.

They all feature the sunshine on the water charting the end of the year and new beginnings.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and as well as submitting photos taken recently, members also take part in regular themed challenges like planes, trains and automobiles, frosty mornings and favourite photos of 2023.

You can join 1,509 others in our camera club on Facebook at

All the colours of the rainbow in New Brighton by Tracey Rennie

All the colours of the rainbow in New Brighton by Tracey Rennie

As the sun goes down by Mandy Williams

As the sun goes down by Mandy Williams

Cloud formations over the Mersey by Paul Neish

Cloud formations over the Mersey by Paul Neish

Early morning in Egremont by Kimberley Phillips

Early morning in Egremont by Kimberley Phillips

Egremont beach by Kimberley Phillips

Egremont beach by Kimberley Phillips

Full rainbow over Thurstaton beach by Jane Leitch

Full rainbow over Thurstaton beach by Jane Leitch

Purple sky at The Dell, Port Sunlight by Nicola Jayne

Purple sky at The Dell, Port Sunlight by Nicola Jayne

Shimmering water in Caldy by Robert Orr

Shimmering water in Caldy by Robert Orr

Swirling skies by Mandy Williams

Swirling skies by Mandy Williams

The twilight hour at West Kirby Marine Lake by Nicola Jayne

The twilight hour at West Kirby Marine Lake by Nicola Jayne

Windswept by JW Snapshots

Windswept by JW Snapshots

Winter sun in West Kirby

Winter sun in West Kirby