A Wirral mother has become the first person in the north of England to offer a “miracle” stretch mark solution.

Louise Golden, mother of three from Neston, discovered Brazilian stretchmark camouflaging whilst researching the issue online.

Louise, who struggled with her stretch marks from when she was a teenager, has now opened her new business, Empowered Beauty By Louise, to help others with their insecurities.

She said: “Stretch marks cause so many people confidence and self-esteem issues and it’s very much a taboo subject so it can cause a great deal of anxiety.

“This was certainly the case for me and even though I knew that in an ideal world we should love and accept our bodies, I was extremely self-conscious.”

Wirral Globe:

“I’ve never worn a bikini and I’d dread nights out,” she added.

After researching solutions for stretch marks, Louise started following Rodolpho Torres, the ‘guru’ of Brazilian stretch mark camouflaging, a form of micropigmentation.

Pigments are inserted into deeper levels of skin to correct the colour of stretch marks so that they blend in with the skin surrounding them making their appearance reduced.

The non-surgical and non-intrusive procedure takes just a few hours to complete and it’s a permanent procedure — with touch-ups to the ink method available if required after that.

Wirral Globe:

Louise said: “The whole process is really straightforward, and I couldn’t believe the difference with the case studies we worked on!

“People felt completely transformed and comfortable in their own skin, it was so great to see.

“Now that I’m fully qualified and the North of England’s only practitioner I’m looking forward to helping as many women and men as I can.”

Wirral Globe:

After extensive training, Louise is now the North of England’s only fully licensed practitioner of Brazilian stretch mark camouflaging and has set up a clinic in Neston operating on a free consultation basis.

Louise said: “This procedure can change lives and I wish it was available when I was a teenager, I would’ve jumped at it.

“It’s very simple basically like tattooing and the results are amazing.”