SUCH has been the response to our appeals, via Mailbox, for former classmates to get in touch' that all tickets for the Holy Cross School Reunion have been sold.

It will enable us to donate a sizeable sum of money to our linked charity, Claire House.

On behalf of my co-conspirators - Dot, Bas and Ken Hanrahan - I would like to say a big thank you' to all those involved in making the re-union the success it is definitely going to be.

We look forward to meeting again with our classmates and even a few teachers, after what is, in some cases, 50 years!

We celebrate our reunion at St Joseph's Hall, Birkenhead, on Friday, August 10.

Like us, the vast majority of our friends will now be in receipt of a State Pension' - the fun will be trying to work out who's who, now that we have spread a little and possibly taken on a new hairstyle!

We are so proud that we will have with us a true veteran' of Holy Cross School - Thomas (Tom) Fogg, who will be 83 in December.

Tom - he will be accompanied by his young' daughters, Sue and Maureen - began his school days at Holy Cross in 1929 and in 1935 he moved on to St Hugh's, leaving at the age of 14.

May Parker (nee Hughes)Cambridgeshire(address supplied)