THE building of a fire station on Green Belt land at Saughall Massie can go ahead after the Government rejected pleas to call the scheme in for further scrutiny.

The proposal - part of Merseyside Fire Authority's drive to reduce spending to meet Government-imposed budget cuts – was given the green light following a heated two-and-a-half hour debate during a planning committee meeting at Wallasey Town Hall on July 21.

More than 100 members of the public watched as councillors heard arguments for and against the planned station. But they voted by seven to six in favour.

Those against the scheme were asked to write to Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid, requesting that he called in the decision to grant planning permission for public inquiry.

But it emerged today that he has decided not to.

Wirral Globe:

The planning committee hears arguements in favour of and against the fire station plan during meeting on July 20

Those against development argued it would lead to noise pollution, add to traffic congestion, destroy the greenbelt and affect quality of life for nearby residents.

Leading campaigner Cllr Chris Blakeley told the Globe today: "After a mammoth 31-month fight by local councillors and local residents it is very disappointing that the secretary of state for communities and local government has decided not to call In the planning permission for the fire station in Saughall Massie.

"Thank you to all those thousands of people who have stood side by side in opposing this. It is a testament to your resolve that this has taken so long to come to an end.

"However we must never forget that Wirral Labour are responsible for allowing this, with all seven Labour councillors voting against an amendment that would have seen it refused."

The original application was refused by the planning committee in December when Labour chairwoman Cllr Anita Leech swung the decision by voting against the development.

Wirral Globe:

Members of the public at planning committee meeting on July 20 when fire station was approved

Amendments to the scheme included reducing the site’s overall size by 30%, cutting the length of building by 30ft, removing the access road to the west of the building and moving planned car parking in a nearby close nearer the fire station.

A report by planners said the proposal represents the "very special circumstances" needed to break Green Belt guidelines and are recommending approval.

Their report to planning committee added that: "Response times to the West Kirby area from the proposed fire station - and the increased rates of survivability related to those quicker response times - constitutes very special circumstances to outweigh the harm and justify inappropriate development in this particular case.

"The lack of any available alternative sites in suitable locations would further support this conclusion."

It viewed merging West Kirby and Upton into a single site at Saughall Massie as a means of cutting costs.

However, resistance to the controversial scheme increased since the last submission with a protest petition growing from 3,700 names to more than 4,000.

Chairman of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority Cllr Dave Hanratty told the Globe after the station was approved: "In an emergency situation, literally every second counts and the selection of Saughall Massie was based on achieving the best possible response times in the circumstances.

"Ongoing budget cuts have impacted the service significantly and it is becoming ever harder for us to provide the service the public have become accustomed to.

"We will do all in our power to maintain some of the fastest response times in the country however there are no options available to us that do not adversely affect our speed and weight of attack.

"We understand that many residents had concerns with the location of the station and we made every effort to take those concerns into account, which thankfully the planning committee recognised.

"We will now endeavour to be good neighbours and to keep the community and surrounding areas safe.

"Our intention has only ever been to ensure the safety of residents in West Wirral and across Merseyside."