A FOOTBALL tournament organised in memory of a ten-year-old Prenton school boy was held on Friday.

The Cole Cup, which is now in its third year was set up to remember Cole Breadner who passed away in 2014 following a diagnosis of a rare and aggressive cancer.

The tournament which was held at Prenton Primary School is open to their year six pupils as this was the school year Cole was in when he died.

Cole’s mum Jackie said: “It is overwhelming to see how people are helping remember Cole.

“People want to get together and that is lovely to see, each year we get to see Cole’s friends all taking part.

“The tournament was a great success and a brilliant day.”

In total, 20 teams took part with Townfield Primary School being crowned the winners.

Cole, passed away in February 2014 just 16 weeks after his diagnosis with Burkitts Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

“Despite going through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, Cole took his diagnosis in his stride.

“Just two weeks before he passed away we went out for a meal as a family and Cole was laughing and joking.

“Cole had two younger brothers, Lincoln & Korey and the devastation of losing their big brother hit them really hard.

“He was a brilliant, gorgeous and clever boy who we miss terribly.” Jackie added.

The event was raising money for Claire House Children’s Charity as they have supported Jackie and her family since Cole passed away.

Claire House has supported the family by offering teaching session with both Lincoln and Korey and offering counselling to Jackie and her husband.