THE parent of a vulnerable adult at Girtrell Court has expressed her dismay in an email to councillors over plans to close the respite centre.

The facility in Saughall Massie faces the axe under cost-cutting measures as part of the administration's budget proposal package.

The mum, who is not being named here, has written to every Labour councillor on the ruling town hall cabinet ahead of its crucial meeting on Monday.

She implores them to “search their own hearts and Instead of closing Girtrell Court this beacon of light should be supported and secured for the future, making it the best it can possibly be. “

And she says families will not feel their loved ones are “safe and protected” in alternative private residential options suggested.

Here is her letter in full:

"We have just received a letter from Graham Hodkinson and whilst we appreciate his fitting apology it still, in no way, can compensate for the immense stress and anxiety this proposal has brought upon all those service users and families who depend upon the experience, trust, knowledge, continuity of care and friendship that Girtrell Court offers to our loved ones.

Bernard Halley, with his son at his side, made an eloquent and impassioned plea to Wirral West councillors last Thursday, together with other equally impassioned speakers, which encompassed all our thoughts, fears and feelings.

We got the impression that the councillors had no real understanding of our plight but after the speeches were visibly moved and as a consequence brought about a resolution, as did South Wirral the week before, that this proposal should be thrown out.

The councillors were even more horrified to hear that as this debacle is going on we would not be receiving any respite care from March, a situation which has now been temporarily resolved, but brought about by this poorly thought out and ill-conceived proposal.

In fact, it was plain to see that majority of councillors from the two constituencies were uncomfortable and ill at ease with this proposal.

The Wirral Plan 2015/16 reports that 20 pledges were identified for Wirral, the priorities being

• the vulnerable are safe and protected.

• Good health and an excellent quality of life is enjoyed by all. 

• Employers want to invest and businesses thrive. 

Clearly, as far as we and majority of service-users are concerned, you have failed in your first priority.

We will not feel our loved ones are “safe and protected” in the alternative private residential options you have provided.

My daughter is 37 with a happy disposition, learning difficulties and a speech disorder, she would not want to share here respite with the over 60s, nor does she have a mental health problem.

She would feel totally isolated and threatened by any form of challenging behaviour.

We would not consider placing her in any establishment where staffing levels are so low that an assault on a member of staff occurred resulting in her being hospitalised nor in a residential home that stealing is an option.

This is in stark contrast to the level of care, trust, understanding and stability we experience at Girtrell Court.

As far as good health is concerned, this proposal is already impacting on our health.

Instead of closing Girtrell Court, this beacon of light, should be supported and secured for the future, making it the best it can possibly be.

Please put yourselves in our shoes, search your own hearts, allay our fears and give us peace of mind by throwing out the proposal to close Girtrell Court."