REGARDING the proposal to seek funding through public vote to illuminate the Dome of Ss Peter & Paul's church in New Brighton at the initial cost of £10,000.

The fact cannot and should not be overlooked that the church is literally right in the middle of a residential area.

The magnitude of illumination needed to achieve the proposed plan for the Dome to be viewed at night across Wirral and over to Liverpool, (when most folk are asleep so won’t even see it) will certainly have an impact on the immediate vicinity and those who live there.

The increase in light pollution at night into nearby homes is a genuine concern.

It is all too easy to vote for something which in reality will not impact our own lives on a daily basis, but could do so negatively for others.

The Church needs to be a good neighbour to the homes and residents it shares the immediate area with; flood-lighting a large building at night does not seem conducive to achieving that.

I implore people to think compassionately and vote for the alternative option of funding for much needed maintenance of the church’s external boundary walls, something of greater aesthetic benefit for the immediate neighbourhood, local folk who view it every day, and for visitors alike.

Name and address supplied