A BIG-hearted schoolgirl from Wirral is preparing to say farewell to her long locks tomorrow, Friday, in aid of a charity that provides wigs to children suffering hair loss.

Five-year-old Amelia Keane, from Eastham, decided to cut her hair after seeing a young cancer sufferer on the television.

Since then, the Christ The King Catholic Primary School pupil has been busy preparing for the chop, which takes place at 3pm tomorrow at Bromborough’s House of Hair and Beauty, raising more than £700 for the Little Princess Trust.

Amelia's mum, Claire, posted a video of Amelia on Facebook, urging people to donate.

“She’s got really long, thick hair and she is always saying that she wants it cut,” explained the proud mum.

“We were watching the news and there was a girl with no hair who was going through chemotherapy and Amelia asked why she didn’t have any – I explained to her that sometimes children get poorly and lose their hair and she said ‘She can have some of mine – I’ve got lots’ and I said ‘I think you can actually do that’.

“When we Googled it, we found the Little Princess Trust and it seems to have just gone on from there – Amelia is quite excited about it.

“Although she’s only five she’s always been quite an empathetic child – she seems to really feel sorry for people who have things going on.”

With an original target of £100, Amelia and Claire are delighted with the response, having raised £717 via Just Giving as well as cash donations.

Claire said: “We put a £100 at first because we thought with it being Christmas, nobody has got any money but we were overwhelmed by people’s donations so we upped it to £350 because that’s how much it costs to make one wig – I think we’ve probably got enough for two or three now – it’s amazing.

“The teachers at school raised about £70 or £80 and all of Amelia’s friend’s mums have donated too.”

Amelia will say goodbye to at least seven inches of hair tomorrow afternoon, Friday, leaving her with a short bob.

Claire added: “People have been asking if she would really go through with it but she has remained committed – she’s really excited about it and we are all just really proud of her.”

Click here to donate.