Despite a slow start to the month following the bank holiday bonanza ad counts have risen and conversions to Featured jobs and Logo sales improved to push the average digital revenue per job to an annual high.

After two very low weeks as the country recovered from four bank holidays in swift succession activity increased in week 20 with the highest weekly ad count since week 4. Print-online upsales were also maintained with a group average conversion rate of 86.4%.

South London converted 100% of their print ads to online listings while Sussex, North London, Essex and Lancs all made significant week on week improvements.

Featured Jobs sales hit an annual high in week 20 with the highest group average conversion rate of the year, 81.4%. Worcester, DESC, Stourbridge and North London converted all of their listings to Featured Jobs while South London had their best weekly conversion rate of the year.

Using the weekly recruitment Omniture reports you can calculate the upweight factor offered by Featured jobs. If you are unsure how to do this please let me know.

Logo sales also saw increased success in week 20, the group average conversion rate of 39.4% was above target for the second consecutive week and the highest of the year so far.

York, Worcester and DESC all achieved above 80% with only 4 teams failing to hit the target 35% conversion rate.

As a result of the increase in ad count and the excellent performance of Featured Jobs and logo sales the average digital revenue per job rose to £173. This suggests an increased proportion of display ads over lineage as well as excellent sales of key recruitment products.