THE world is facing two environmental crises, both caused by human activity: the climate emergency and the nature emergency.

The new sea wall at West Kirby has caused a lot of controversy. But Wirral Council could never promise that the sea would never break over the top whenever a violent storm occurred.

This is because of rising sea levels plus more frequent and increasingly more extreme weather events. Its primary purpose was to protect floodwater from entering nearby homes as happened in 2013. In that respect it's succeeded.

Sadly, the unfortunate Tanskey's, on this occasion, have not been so lucky. They are in the difficult position of being on the front line regarding storm surges.

However, local people and visitors from further afield will wish the establishment a speedy recovery and back to business as usual, as soon as possible.

A similar contentious issue is the one relating to the spread of plant life along Hoylake Beach and what to do about it.

The Life Boat Station at the Beach needs to have plenty of cleared ground so that the RNLI volunteers can operate as smoothly and quickly as possible.

But because of the speed at which Earth's flora and fauna are disappearing, the rest of Hoylake Beach should be left well alone and allowed to 'go Green' in as natural way as possible.

If world leaders do not come up with solutions soon, to solve the above two global environmental crises, then future generations will face a very difficult and challenging time.

Geoff Walmsley, by email