I read today, as many parents no doubtlessly will, about a huge reduction in their children’s school budgets.

I read this newsletter from my children's school on the same day that Wirral Council are announcing the vitally required and essential to all citizens of Wirral 'new entrance to the West Kirby Wirral way entrance'.

How have we gone for so many years without such a monumental masterpiece of a structure?

I hope you detect the sarcasm.

This is another of Wirral Council's unnecessary vanity projects and poor priorities while vital services that aid others like education burn to the ground.

Is this really a necessity?

An entrance to something that's free to use won’t raise vitally needed funds for schools across Wirral as it is spending that very money and telling us to look the other whilst it does.

It's also tax payers money who deserve much better.

Who votes for these inexplicably wasteful projects?

Council tax bills have rocketed considerably and we are all expected to keep paying into a system where the money is seen as councillors pocket money to blow on nonsense.

It's money to serve the public not to decorate paths that only a few use in Wirral. Education affects everybody, a path in a remote corner of Wirral doesn’t.

Max Crook, by email