WIRRAL Council is currently running a survey re: car parking charges.

It wants to hit us motorists again with parking fees.

We pay high road fund licence charges (Road Tax) to use the public highway. So it should not matter if we are driving or parking on the road, we have paid to use the road regardless.

It’s back-to-front thinking.

The Council should pay us motorists when parked. 


Because we are not wearing out the road surface, we are not causing congestion, we are not polluting the air, we are not making any noise, we are unlikely to cause an accident, particularly if in a 20mph zone when many drivers lose concentration or spend more time looking at their speedo than the road ahead, and so parking eliminates or reduces accidents, more so than the stupid 20mph scheme ever will, and in so doing reduces the strain and cost on the NHS and all the associated emergency services.

So, the traffic warden should walk around with his cash bag paying the owner or driver of every parked car on the public highway.

No joined-up thinking.

The Government and the Council say to take exercise and stay healthy, but they deter this by charging you to park at places such as Thurstaston Visitor Center.

They say they want to attract Tourism, but they charge to stay, so deter people from visiting. They say to support local trade and shops, but when you do this, they charge you to park.

This is the thinking of our local council and the Councillors who we have voted for,

What’s your councilLor doing?

John Elliott by email