CANCER-related items are regularly covered in the Wirral Globe, including recently, World Cancer Day.

I always remember World Cancer Day because it falls on my wife’s birthday, February 4.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the NHS and social care and I want to add my thanks to those ‘on the front line’ in hospitals, the community and care homes.

As a lay person, I volunteer to help with many aspects of cancer policy.

I would like to add specific praise for the Cancer Team of surgeons, Oncologists, cancer nurse specialists, therapy radiographers, ward staff, therapy staff, GPs and others who continue to do their best for people affected by cancer.

Sadly, some operations have been cancelled or delayed, perhaps due to theatre capacity or shortage of Intensive Care beds.

Some radiotherapy and chemotherapy amended or withheld in certain circumstances due to COVID.

A lot of research trails for cancer treatments are on hold.

But the people involved have done their best they can.

In the meantime, I would strongly urge any person who is anxious they may have a cancer symptom - or if they know a close friend or relative who has - to speak to their GP immediately.

Self awareness has taken on extra importance due to less screening being done at present for breast, bowel and cervical cancers.

Please, don’t delay or worry about COVID.

Your GP wants to hear from you now. The earlier a diagnosis of a cancer, the better outcome.

Tony Murphy, cancer volunteer