I am horrified at the demos in the UK.

Of course black lives matter, but the terrible incident in the USA is no excuse for the people of the UK to take to the streets or even worse.

It is a case of deliberately flouting social distancing because of the numbers involved.

There is nothing peaceful about exposing the wider population to the virus as is certain to happen.

Remember Cheltenham and Anfield and the increase in contagion that resulted. “Taking a knee” is simply a case of jumping on the bandwagon like a bunch of sheep.

The NFL players were in fact insulting their country with this form of demonstration whilst so many other methods of protesting were available. What about withdrawing their labour?

But, oh no: would have harmed their overpaid salaries.

If any of the UK demonstrators were truly genuine in their opposition to discrimination, they would have been up in arms against the Chinese Government’s putting down the demonstrators in Hong Kong.

There, if they are seen to insult the Chinese flag they most assuredly will be jailed.

Nothing of the kind happens in the UK.

What is the difference?

J I, Hoylake