REGARDING dogs on buses, there are arguments for and against but I can see were both sides are coming from.

I have no issues with dogs on buses, providing they don't sit them on seats and they politely keep them away as I have asthma.

People have to go out smartly to work and the last thing I want is for dogs sniffing and rubbing their heads against my clothes.

I know they are being friendly but I don’t want to be stinking of dogs and having dog hairs on me when I do go into work.

I would also like to point out that a man got on the bus once and had three Staffordshire Bull Terriers with him and they were dragging him all over the place, not saying they would, but if these dogs turned aggressive we would of had a serious situation with being in a confined space.

A polite notice to people with dogs on buses, please just use your common sense.

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