WATCHING some of the procedures taking place at PM’s Questions, I got the distinct impression that the whole system is a pantomime farce.

All that nonsense of the Speaker continuously asking a braying mob of unruly mouthpieces to at least listen to the questions or answers in a respectable manner.

Made worse by the play acting stand up sit down, nodding dog heads, and calls of rude and unnecessary remarks for or against whatever is being said by the person speaking.

Resulting in the Speaker once again and again requesting some sort of order, is totally infantile.

When you consider the enormous cost incurred to have this shameless bunch of party political parasites behave in such a manner.

It may well be as some will claim traditional, it is undoubtedly a criminal waste of time and money.

There must be a better and more sensible way of Government procedure, if we are to think this country is civilised, educated, and efficient in the world today.

Sandy Cameron by email