I WAS interested in the article about a shake-up of boundaries in Wirral.

The peninsular should be divided into six districts, each district to elect three representatives resulting in 18 elected.

Then we could elect a mayor and a deputy, thus a maximum of 20 councillors or representatives.

This body of officials set to oversee the running of Wirral Borough Council, not on a party political basis but overall governance on behalf and for the populations best interests not party political dogma.

These measures alone would save hundreds of thousands of pounds annually and be sustainable for decade to come.

As for the national picture, having three Wirral MPs who pay little or no attention to the electorate for the majority of their duties is more than adequate.

There is no need to carry on or replace the position of Frank Field.

He can retire to the House of Lords with a knighthood.

There should be no requirement for party politics in local government but a local council accountable to the Wirral population and responsible for the governance in the best interest of the whole local population.

H S Cameron, Heswall