IT was heartening to read in the Globe of the 'eco' efforts of Portland Primary School in eliminating plastic straws and milk cartons.

However for older kids and adults it is essential that the full eco-truth is known.

Most processing of non-reusable plastic now takes place in Asia and Africa.

Poor processing means about 20% escapes the 'recycling' plants. 80% is simply dumped in the rivers and ends in the oceans ... several million tons of it.

These people must be wicked, surely?

Well, actually, up to 20% of this evil plastic is sent from the EU, including Britain, to Asia for 'treatment.'

China has now banned this trade which means most plastic now goes to countries perhaps less careful than China.

Our hands are not clean when it comes to the dying, plastic choked, whales and turtles shown ad nauseam on the eco-hysterical BBC.

In the long run it's a no-brainer that non-recyclable plastics should be phased out globally, but don't hold your breath.

Fortunately, several countries have adopted a simple solution: incinerate it locally in efficient, high temperature plants.

I can hear the screams of horror!

Think of all that CO2 causing global warming and disaster.

Professor D P Gregg (retired).