TRANMERE have confirmed that goalkeeper Luke McGee has signed a one-year contract extension until the end of June 2025.

The goalkeeper has made a total of 22 appearances so far this season and has now chosen to extend his stay for a further year until the end of next campaign.

McGee said: "It's been going on for the last two or three weeks and as soon as I spoke to the club about the possibility of doing it, we wanted to get it done as soon as possible. 

"I love it up here, I love everything about it. The family feel to it - my family love it up here. Everyone's made us feel so welcome so it was something we wanted to get done as quickly as possible."


Tranmere Rovers manager, Nigel Adkins, said: “I've been really pleased with Luke.

"He's come in and worked every day on the training ground, striving to improve, and you can see that he's put some good performances in this season, making some important saves for us.

"I'm delighted that he has committed himself to next season now. We've now got a group of players who are under contract for next season going through the spine of the team, so that's very important."