AFTER reading the letter from Mr Dean of New Brighton Model Boating Club, I felt compelled to write to The Globe.

I was not aware that the club were the owners of the model boating lake - (although, when one takes one's grandkids down there to watch the boats its often easy to get the impression that they are) - so, my question is: how can they say who is or is not allowed to use the council facility, and dictate so autocratically as to what manner of craft can be sailed thereon?

I, like many, saw the TV item on the use of the lake, and the gentleman who was interviewed 'for' steam, was showing his model boats to my young'uns some weeks ago, and he seemed to me to know what he was talking about (in addition to being friendly and keen to share what he knew with them, which, sadly, is not always the case at New Brighton. boating lake!).

The final word has to be that the model boating lake is not the exclusive domain of New Brighton Model Boat Club, and, if, by some legal slight of hand that the rest of us have missed, it has become so, that is very very wrong indeed.

As a life-long resident of Wallasey, I have delighted in the activities at the lake since I was a child, and, in a rapidly changing New Brighton it provokes many memories of the town's heyday.

It should be there for everybody - not just one organisation - and they should not be permitted or encouraged to 'police' the facility.

B Rolls, Wallasey.