We are indebted to your correspondent Ron Sweeney for expressing at least some of the objections to having an unwanted eyesore (“West Kirby Sail hotel is not wanted”) foisted almost upon the beach of our pleasant town.

I repeat, OUR pleasant town, which is not the property of the secretive and manipulative undemocratic body of regrettably elected representatives in Wirral Council.

We are all disappointed that this dreadful project is still continuing after the roar of disapproval from the majority of ratepayers of West Wirral and it is being quietly progressed by our council in defiance of facts and strongly expressed public opinion.

One of the many things which the council are keeping secret from us is the intended view of this potential disaster seen from the rear - from the only approach down Dee Lane.

Unsurprisingly there are no published illustrations of this view which will, unavoidably, be a monstrous lump of a construction.

Peter J Townsend by email.