The Globe can reveal that one of the winners of Britain's biggest lottery jackpot is 19-year-old Alex Parry from Wallasey.

The teenager left Wallasey School's sixth form only last year to work at the Liverpool call centre where a syndicate held the winning ticket.

She pockets £6.5m as her share of the £45.5m Euro Millions jackpot.

Her sister Natasha works at the same call centre in Wood Street - but was NOT part of the lucky syndicate.

The syndicate of seven staff were unaware they had won when they turned up for work at BT's Royal House centre yesterday.

Congratulating his former pupil, Wallasey School's headteacher Phil Duffy told the Globe: "We at Wallasey School are delighted that Alex, a former student (and avid Everton fan) has won a significant lottery award.

"She always thought about others before herself and was an extremely hardworking and popular young lady.

"We are all thrilled for her and her family and wish her every success for the future."

More news on Wirral's new millionaire later...