A NURSE who groomed a vulnerable teenage patient before having sex with her has been struck off after attempting to deny it.

During a two week period between August and September 2022, Keith Stott, who was registered as a nurse at Miriam Medical Centre in Birkenhead, saw an 18-year-old patient in the minor injuries service. After exchanging messages on Instagram, Mr Stott began a sexual relationship with the young woman.

After safeguarding concerns were raised, Mr Stott denied having sex with the woman who had required the morning after pill according to her foster mother. Following a subsequent fitness to practise investigation by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) he has now been struck off.

According to an NMC report, the clinical lead at the Birkenhead practice referred Mr Stott to them after concerns were raised. He had been registered with the practice for eight years in the minor injuries service.

Between August 26 and September 8, Mr Stott saw the 18-year-old known as Patient A as a walk-in patient and exchanged Instagram details with her during a consultation. The pair shared messages outside of work and met with her.

On some of those occasions, it involved them having sex. The practice became aware when they received a letter from the safeguarding team following a concern being raised by a locum pharmacist who had spoken to Patient A and her foster mother following the purchase of a morning after pill.

During an initial meeting with practice officials, Mr Stott denied having a sexual relationship with the woman and was suspended before accepting the allegations.

In the hearing into Mr Stott’s conduct held two weeks ago, his advocate Zarah Ahmed said while he had been dishonest, he had “quickly remedied this” by submitting a full admission of his actions. The report said Ms Ahmed suggested Mr Stott had been cooperative and engaged fully with the NMC throughout the proceedings.

Ms Ahmed submitted that Mr Stott sought to publicly apologise to Patient A and was thoroughly remorseful over the incidents that happened. She added how he wanted to apologise to his colleagues, family and friends as well as the community he served.

Mr Ahmed said Mr Stott had “always taken pride in being an advocate for others, protecting and serving the public.”

In moving to strike off the nurse, the NMC noted the vulnerability of patient A as a service user and as a previously looked-after individual. The report said how the sexual content and manner of social media messaging with patient A amounted to grooming.

Her own statement said: “Now, I feel as though I have been taken advantage of and groomed, I also feel as though I am the fool, and the one to be blamed, but I am also scared to go to my doctors, in case he is there…” The NMC said the 18-year-old had been put at risk of harm in that she felt the need to take emergency contraception and emotional harm as a result of Mr Stott’s misconduct.

Handing down sanction, the panel found there were aggravating features in that patient A would have seen the nurse as a person in a position of authority and trust. The report added: “While only directed towards one patient, the misconduct arising from these charges amounted to a course of conduct over a period of 14 days.”

Mr Stott was employed at the same practice where a doctor was suspended for setting up fake appointments to have sex with a patient. Although he knew the man he met was a patient at the surgery, Dr Marc Paton agreed to set up a bogus encounter to facilitate the pair being able to meet in his surgery to act out a sexual fantasy.

After serving a six month suspension, it was revealed in January how Dr Paton intended to return to work part-time as a locum GP at the Riverside Surgery in Rockferry, the partners of which are friends from his university days.

A statement issued on behalf of Miriam Primary Care Group read: "The Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) Fitness to Practice Committee has determined recently that Mr Keith Stott’s (former employee of Miriam Primary Care Group) Fitness to Practice is impaired by reason of misconduct and has issued a Striking Off Order.

"Miriam Primary Care Group reported this issue for the attention of the NMC, the Commissioner (NHS Cheshire and Merseyside) and Wirral Safeguarding Authorities at the earliest opportunity and has co-operated fully with all enquiries.

"When this incident and all the issues were brought to the practice’s attention in September 2022 Mr Stott, who had worked as a Nurse Practitioner was immediately suspended and action was taken to terminate his employment.

"Mr Stott resigned from his job prior to his Disciplinary Hearing for dismissal.

"In this instance, Senior Clinicians and Management of Miriam Group have taken appropriate steps to support the patient and her family during a difficult time.

"Miriam Primary Care Group take all concerns and complaints seriously and continually review our procedures and standards of care. Miriam Primary Care Group remains committed to maintaining public confidence and standards in the profession and wish to reassure that we have zero tolerance to any breach of patient trust and professional boundaries."