THE owner of a Wirral animal rescue set to lose its shelter next week is urging businesses to help it raise critical funds to continue its life-saving work.

Celandine Wood Animal Rescue (CWAR) in Heswall must leave its premises on June 23 due to the building being sold and urgently needs to raise £500,000 for a new home on its own land.

Founder Sharon Williams has called on firms to donate or take advantage of its sponsorship opportunities. She’s also hopes that employers will hold their own fundraising events and display donation posters on their premises.

The big-hearted Heswall vet has always taken any animal home brought in unnecessarily for euthanisation. CWAR began last year and at any time typically has in its care 50 to 80 dogs, 40 cats and 40 wildlife.

Dr Williams said: "We have been using makeshift kennels in a barn that a kind landowner allowed us to use free of charge. This has enabled us to save the lives of many animals.

"But now CWAR is in crisis. Our volunteers are working hard to save the rescue and build it into something much bigger to help with the huge number of animals being dumped in Merseyside and beyond.

Sharon Williams has saved over 1,000 animalsSharon Williams has saved over 1,000 animals (Image: CWAR) "We need our own land to build a purpose-built facility to create a sanctuary space for the dogs that can’t be rehomed and to make sure we always have a secure base so we can carry on with our rescue work.

"We’ve been amazed by people’s generosity and have raised around £50,000 in just a few weeks. But there’s a long way to go.

“CWAR is run entirely by volunteers. We're a small team and can't raise the amount of funds we need by ourselves."

Bully puppy Jupiter was rehomed by CWARBully puppy Jupiter was rehomed by CWAR (Image: CWAR) The rescue is asking for ‘corporate heroes’ to donate £500 and they will get acknowledgement by being featured in a press release sent to the media; thanked on social media; and a certificate of support to display in the workplace.

Appealing for support Dr Williams continued: "We appreciate a donation of any amount. Could you run a promotion to donate a percentage of your sales to Celandine?

"We would love for colleagues to get together and fundraise. Activities that can be arranged fairly quickly include a pub quiz, bingo, a darts night, a cake sale, a raffle, a dress down day, a keep fit challenge or an X-Factor style competition.

"We’d also be extremely grateful for businesses to share our GoFundMe appeal on their social networks."

The rescue’s GoFundMe appeal can be found here. CWAR’s bank details are sort code 309950 and account number 28376962.

To contact the rescue, visit