A WIRRAL school librarian is among three across the country honoured for going "above and beyond" to make reading the heart of their students' education. 

Heather Grainger, from Weatherhead High School in Wallasey, was listed for the School Librarian of the Year Award Honour List for the 'huge' impact her work is having in their school."

Run by the School Library Association, this award highlights the achievements of staff who have gone above and beyond to make reading the heart of their students' education and support learning across the school, providing valuable opportunities for our young people and teaching them important skills for life.

Commenting on her honour, Heather said: "Being honour listed for the SLYA 2024 is definitely a highlight of my career, and the whole process has been a thoroughly positive and uplifting experience of reflection and evaluation.

"Finding out that a colleague wanted to nominate me was such a lovely surprise, and has reinforced my belief that what we do matters, that it does make a difference.

Wirral Globe: Heather Grainger, from Weatherhead High School in Wallasey has been recognised alongside two other secondary school librarians from across the UK for their outstanding school library and the huge impact their work is having in their schoolHeather Grainger, from Weatherhead High School in Wallasey has been recognised alongside two other secondary school librarians from across the UK for their outstanding school library and the huge impact their work is having in their school (Image: The School Library Association)"I feel very privileged, as I know so many school librarians and library workers who do not receive this recognition and support from within their own schools, but who nevertheless do incredible and innovative work.

"I also feel immensely grateful that the SLA not only supports school librarians every day, but also champions and celebrates their hard work and achievements.”

Dominic MacKenzie, headteacher at Weatherhead, said: "Heather is an invaluable member of staff. She possesses a real understanding of the transformative capability of reading and books and she champions this for every student at Weatherhead.

"She genuinely cares about the students regardless of whether they are regular users of the library or only visit once a week during the library lesson.

"Heather has created a vibrant and welcoming environment which is at the heart of our school. It has had a huge impact on students of all ages in terms of encouraging reading and shining a light on new authors and different genres.

"For so many of our students, she provides a safe, quiet space where they can be themselves and take time to explore their interests and Heather and the library are at the very centre of our students’ school experience.

"In addition to this, she has broadened the horizons of so many students by leading exciting and eclectic extracurricular experiences involving the entire school community.

"Weatherhead is delighted that Heather has made the ‘honour list’; she is a worthy winner."

The other two librarians on the list are Alice Leggatt from Oaks Park High School in Surrey and Elizabeth Vale from Thomas Mills High School in Suffolk.

The winners will be announced at a ceremony later this year, alongside the winners to the SLA's Enterprise of the Year Award.

Alison Tarrant, chief executive of the School Library Association, said,: "The schools and staff on these lists should be incredibly proud. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication that the pupils in these schools are being supported, inspired and encouraged not just to read but to learn and be well.

"They are benefiting from the space, staff and stock and are learning skills, developing confidence and experiencing empowerment - which together are creating bright futures for pupils.

"They are an example of the quality of school libraries across the UK."