LIFE-SAVING water safety equipment has been vandalised by a group of youths in New Brighton.

On Sunday, March 31, Wirral Coastguard Rescue Team received reports of youths moving life rings from their holders and cutting safety lines in the Vale Park area of New Brighton.

Now the team is appealing for anyone with information about the incident to get in touch.

Wirral Globe: Life rings ad safety lines were damagedLife rings ad safety lines were damaged (Image: Wirral Coastguard Rescue Team)

A spokesperson for the Wirral Coastguard Rescue Team said: “This is vital equipment and can be used to intervene in an emergency before the emergency services arrive.

“This equipment is monitored and maintained by Wirral Council, who will be out this morning to replace any damaged equipment.

Wirral Globe: The vandalism took place in the Vale Park area of New BrightonThe vandalism took place in the Vale Park area of New Brighton (Image: Wirral Coastguard Rescue Team)

“Council CCTV operators will be reviewing camera footage from the area and passing any footage to the police.

“If you come across a piece of life-saving equipment that is missing, found on the beach or appears damaged, you can send us a message on our social media.

“We will advise our colleagues at Wirral Council, who will arrange replacement ASAP.”