A TEENAGE boy was found in possession of a suspected class B drug and five bikes were seized during a crackdown on crime and anti-social behaviour in Liscard at the weekend.  

A dispersal zone came into effect at 5.30pm on Saturday, March 23 and is in place until 5.30pm today (Monday 25 March). So far there have been nine stop and searches and 13 dispersal notices issued as a result of the order.

Under the legislation, police have the power to seize any item used in the "commission of anti-social behaviour".

Inspector Sharon Robinson said: "We introduced this dispersal zone following reports in Liscard town centre involving anti-social behaviour, which is having an impact on businesses and people visiting the area and Central Park.

"The action this weekend has helped us disrupt those who were intent on causing a nuisance, and to stop reckless acts of anti-social behaviour and keep our communities safe.

"We also seized five balaclavas and five bicycles (two for road traffic offences, two suspected stolen and one under the dispersal order) and issued Traffic Offences Reports to two drivers outside McDonalds in Liscard and will be summonsing a further two offenders for illegal adaptation of electric bikes.

"Officers are continuing to carry out enquiries into these incidents that took place over the weekend.

"We will be following up the individuals dispersed with joint contact from ourselves and Wirral Borough Councils Anti-Social Behaviour Team.

“Further enquiries will also be conducted in Liscard by our officers with businesses and the local community to discuss any other anti-social behaviour.

“If you witness any anti-social behaviour or have any information about such incidents, please contact or speak to our officers so we can continue to take action.”

If you have any information of any crimes in your community, pass the details onto Merseyside Police via the force's social media desk on Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre'. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress.

You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form at: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/give-information.