RESIDENTS in Greasby are urging Wirral Council to reverse work that has left their roads looking a ‘complete mess’.

Dr Simon Lloyd is among those calling for the road surfaces on Pickerill Road and Circular Drive to be recovered and has launched a petition. He says the council stripped away the surfaces and left them in a complete mess. 

Dr Lloyd said residents have been told the authority does not intend to resurface the road, but will fix the cracks and lower the ironwork. He says the road surface looks awful and could devalue house prices in the area. He added the roads are now flooding with water at the sides because of the way the new finished road surface sits.

Wirral Council has been contacted for comment.

Dr Lloyd told the Globe: "I am deeply concerned about the council's decision to strip back our roads - Circular Drive and Pickerill Road - to their dilapidated concrete substrate and leave this as the finished road surface.

"This cost-cutting measure will leave a multitude of visible patches and cracks among a rough concrete substrate as our road. This is being done without any consideration for residents, or how badly it degrades the area.

"A bitumen repair was carried out to a long stretch of pavement because the paving stones where a mess. This is not in keeping with the rest of the pavement and now looks a patchy mess. How does this support the council's long-term objective to reduce their carbon footprint though the negligible use of bituminous materials?

"I am disgusted with the way the council have left these roads, the lack of communication - it's taken me months to get a single message back - and by the decision to leave our residential area looking like a rundown mess.

"This approach has been trialled down south with disastrous results. The roads look a total mess and it has left residents outraged. If we do not take action now, there is a real risk that this could be rolled out everywhere.

"Our local community deserves better than this. We deserve safe, well-maintained roads that enhance our area rather than degrade it.

"We urge Wirral Council to reconsider its decision and invest in proper road maintenance for Circular Drive and Pickerill Road instead of resorting to cheap fixes that will ultimately cost more in repairs over time.

"We spend thousands of our own money making our houses and our street look nice and the council do this.

"Please sign this petition if you believe in maintaining our community's safety standards while preserving its aesthetic appeal."

To sign the peitition, go to:

Other residents' comments included: "Council's finest at it again, it will start cracking like the old concrete road at the bottom of our street then chunks will come out of it.

“Then they will patch repair it with tarmac. This kind of lunacy defies the local taxpayer"

Ward councillor Mark Skillicorn told the Globe: "I'm pushing for the affected roads to be returned to tarmac, because I don't think the condition of the surface that is left is good enough to be aesthetically pleasing anyone.

"It's not perfect enough to be left as it is."