A WIRRAL drug dealer has been taken back to prison after a stop and search.

Bradley Bowe, 25, of no fixed abode, was arrested on Friday, February 9 following a stop check and was recalled to prison.

Bowe was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2019 for conspiracy to supply Class A drugs in North Wales. He has since been recalled to prison after breaching the conditions of his licence.

Sgt Pete Hanson, one of the officers from EVOLVE Wirral, said: “Prison licences exist as a deterrent to reoffending and to keep communities safe from offenders who have been released early from their sentences with a number of conditions they must abide to.

“We rigorously monitor offenders who have been released on licence and any breaches of their conditions will result in a recall to prison.

“Community safety is of paramount importance. Everyone involved in EVOLVE Wirral is determined to make our neighbourhoods safer for all and more resilient against serious and organised crime.”

Anyone with any information about crime is asked to contact Merseyside Police on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.