A WIRRAL man was among four arrested following a drug-related incident in Liverpool over the weekend.

At around 1am on Saturday (February 10), police on patrol saw a man acting suspiciously on Cheapside in the city centre.

When the man was stopped, officers had the power to search him and during this process a quantity of suspected Class A drugs fell from his coat sleeve.

He was arrested at the scene and a search was subsequently carried out at a property linked to him in Prenton, where officers found three men inside the property along with a large quantity of suspected cannabis and cash.

In total, three men from Liverpool, aged 21, 23 and 23, as well as a 24-year-old from Prenton, were all arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of a controlled Class B drug (cannabis) and a Class A drug.

They have all been released under investigation.

Chief Inspector Steven Robinson said: "Thanks to the hard work and swift actions taken officers on patrol in the city centre, we have been able to arrest four men and seize a large quantity of Class B drugs and cash.

"These arrests illustrate how we take a proactive approach to taking drugs and offenders off our streets.

"If you have any concerns about drugs in your community, please come forward, either directly or anonymously and we will take action to make our streets safer.

"If you have any information on the possession, storage or use of drugs and weapons in your community, please contact our social media desk on Twitter @MerPolCC or Facebook ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’.

"You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress."